Lunar rhythms emanate the conversation of Moon and Sun, an infinite freestyle dialogue sculpting form and matter. Moon gracefully distills the brilliance of starshine and weaves sonic scapes for Earthside reception.
Tune in each Astral Week for the Current Moondrop, a heartfelt translation of cosmopoetic conversations via deep lunar perception. Each lunation is a tantric spiral of creative force, a transmission of Galactic DNA unfurled and rewoven into every Moondrop.
Guardians of the Gate - Pyramids of the Giza Necropolis
A weekly recording of astral communications via lunar perspectives. Each Moondrop illuminates potent cosmic wavepoints and offers practices and rituals for integration of energetics of powerful transits. With each Moondrop recording, a curated playlist is shared for continuous amplification of the creative and transformational frequencies that are uniquely relevated with each new galactic composition.
Sopurkh channels the universe in a way that makes sense to me. She inspires me to believe in my own divinity and destiny. Her words spark inspiration and action in me. During the pandemic I was gifted with a lot of down time, I realized I had a choice- to flail about and pretend I had any control or embrace daily uncertainty and chaos. I chose to embrace the chaos and I've never felt better. As the world wakes up again, I find myself living in fear again pretending I have control. Sopurkh brings me back to the present and I understand my worries are fruitless. Being present has opened up my ability to create and write. Sopurkh's downloads from the universe bring that to me.
— Eda
Massage Therapist
Indie Horror Publisher
Urban Animal Fantasy Author