Our life is a most sacred ritual - a beautiful dance of becoming together with all that is, and flowing with its unbecoming - all at once, in every breath.
Oracle Guidance is an intuitively co-created and continuously refined process of attuning your unique energetic signature with the frequencies of your highest destiny. We will cultivate a practice that empowers and illuminates your most brilliant visions - expanding boundaries, clearing debris and working with resistances to make space for what wants to emerge through you /exploring dreams and desires to align creatively with the truest rhythms of the heart. This is deep sensing into the otherwise, a ceremonial unveiling of your essence.
Creating sanctuary as a site of creative liberation.
Remembering roots of indigenaeity roots and belonging with the land.
Cultivating stillness for feeling between realms, beyond temporalities, and with all beings seen and unseen.
Learning and unlearning.
Shapeshifting and making kin.
An alchemy of elemental exploration via movement, reciprocity, contemplation, stillness, listening, practice and commitment in creative union with your destiny.
ORACLE GUIDANCE uniquely emerges as a tantric weave to nourish and attune your most resonant frequencies.
Support in developing a daily sadhana.
Astrological illuminations and coherence with convergent and confluent transits.
Yoga and meditation experiences.
Project-based collaborative study.
Shared ritual exploration.
Chrissy Cox is one of the most powerful women I have ever encountered in this realm. She is not only an effective teacher of Kundalini, she is a life guide. I have been learning from Chrissy for a year now, and though I signed up to take a Kundalini class, I was gifted with so much more. She has facilitated so much of my personal growth through acts of kindness, unconditional love, and a passion for living life. She walks with so much hope because she embodies it. She is a mother to any who come into contact with her. She is an astrologer and a sage. She is a serial entrepreneur. Sopurkh Shapeshifter. Being one of her students is an honor and a pleasure. I treasure having her in my life, and I truly believe that knowing her is one of my great journeys in this realm. I love this woman unconditionally, and I wholeheartedly suggest opening yourself up to the world that is Chrissy Sopurkh Shapeshifter Cox. You will never be the same, and you will learn to love through every single moment. I am just so grateful to have ever even met this phenomenal being. I am humbled to call her my teacher.
— Amanda Jackson