If fear is worry about our future….
There may be nothing more fearsome than a demagogue -modern fascists with forked tongues who fabricate fissures to polarize the populous and feed off of the division.
Polarized states are not natural phenomena, as all life is always moving and in flux, becoming an unbecoming. Autumn Equinox is a beautiful time of Equipoise for noticing and honoring the Great Turning - In life, death and regeneration are equally revered. We can appreciate a dissolving of light back into deep rooted nourishment. A rose bush haggers back into its essence, squash blossoms mark the earthly beds of its growing fruit. Turn turn turn!
As the stars confirm, this is our time of shedding, pruning, and dissolving down into our essence. When we start stripping ourselves of the overlay of demagogues and their systems of oppression, we can begin to feel into our true essence, which is an interconnectivity to all things, fearless even of death.
This is the season of our unraveling.
The wheel of the zodiac and transiting planetary energies affect each one of us. For deeper insights and intel, refer to your natal chart to relate to planets and placements that are in each of the signs.MAJOR TRANSITS OF AUTUMN 2024
Sun enters Libra.
Autumnal Equinox / Mabon
Offering of nature for a grand harvest, a time to make sacrifices, to consciously let go of stories and responsibilities that are complete and outdated. Cleansing the home is beautiful, preparing for back to school anond all its organization. Completing and tidying up any unfinished business before winter’s rest.
Venus in Libra Squares pluto in Capricorn
A closing square that may stir up a challenge in relationships. Secrets / subconscious motivations. emerge. This is a necessary divulging for lasting commitments.
Venus dives into Scorpio
relationships have an opportunity to deepen into passion, intensity, and intrigue. Explore the mystery with a beloved.
Sun conjunct Mercury in Libra
Illuminating the weight to balance and harmony in a challenging situation. Notice if you were hovering around a decision, awaiting perfect balance. Feel into the sweet spots.
Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse
Final Solar Eclipse of the year
Opening a portal of compassion transcendent of comparison and competition Image of a new moon as a circle of friends holding hands. Together, we create something larger than ourselves.. This has the power to carry us all.
Jupiter Rx in Gemini
Expansion of creative and meditative Spaces. Opening the mouth of time so that we may choose our words wisely as we know they create our reality. Review reoccurring thoughts. Revise habitual language. Reimagine future storying.
Pluto Dx in Capricorn
This is the last time that Pluto will be moving through Capricorn in our lifetime. Pluto excavates The realm of law and order, shattering the illusion to expose the hidden motivation of political agendas. Pluto calls for revolution in these realms - an upheaval of dominant systems of government that do not honor the true power of the living world.
Venus enters Sagittarius
Great luck in love! Venus sores from her watery depth of Scorpio into the highest love of Sagittarius. If your aim is true, this could be a new love adventure awaiting you.
Sun enters Scorpio
The Witching Veil is removed. Tea is spilled. Motives are clear. Hidden gifts emerge, longing to be explored. Intuition, clairvoyance and deep feeling are all heightened and should be trusted. Relationships intensify.
New Moon in Scorpio
New cycles of transformation are initiated.
Explore emergent emotions as intel for what wants to manifest through your creative work.
Mars Enters Leo
Passion meets pleasure and it’s all LOVE. Noticing what lights us up, what feels great to share. Maximum energy for all offerings from the heart, playfulness that’s regenerative and self-sustaining. A little drama and all heart. Feeling right at home in the spotlight, even better with friends.
Full Moon in Taurus
I want to rename this Lux Moon - saturate yourself in the finest of all things. Celebrate life in all iterations - food, friends, family, more than human kin, earthing. Take some time to really indulge and sync into the moment. Allow space for being and satisfaction. Create a ritual of gratitude for abundance. Hug trees and play with animals.
Pluto Enters Aquarius
Oh my god this is the transit of our times! Pluto has been working hard as a great wrecking ball to the patriarchy. Power dynamics that required aching, free opening up cracks and stirring up power that has been bound for centuries. Pluto and Aquarius is the new world that we have been praying for honoring humanity, connection, and creative brilliance.. trusting in the completeness of cycles of death and regeneration. And never ever settling for status quo. Let’s go.
Sun enters Sagittarius
Soaring on the highest ark of our destiny, watch the sunset on all that we have dreamed and schemed in a full pleasure, aura highest heart. Be just to be, adventure, for the joy of it, hold hands and sing songs of lore.
New Moon in Sagittarius
It’s not the end times, it’s the start times and in betweens. Stirring up, trouble for adventure making space for play and celebration, aiming our arrows to the highest heights and launching them with pure trust that they will land precisely where our heart is. pour your love and energy into the song of your soul and let it lead you on a new adventure.
Mars Rx in Leo
The Mars and Leo party is never gonna stop. Retrograde remix / rewind - an opportunity to review all the Intel from the Mars residency in the House of Love. Did you ask with royal courage? Did you take a chance from the heart there is still time to initiate moves that are bold as Love.
Neptune Dx in Pisces
The Great Dreamer awakens! peel the ebb tide begin transit towards the shore. Time for taking action in the dream realm, to ride the wavesets of creative manifestation. Unbound, oceansize dreams - no limit save your imagination. All creative pursuits supported.
Full Moon in Gemini
Mercury Dx in Sagittarius
This dynamic transit duo fires up communication. Call siddhi is the power of the word - what you say will become. The clearer you get., the more precision your sound current will carry your thoughts into tangible experience. Sit with this power in a silence so you may feel the intensity of your truth and speak when you know it with your full being. Watch the power of what you say as prophetic. The sun emboldens it.
Bursting with golden flowers in measure with the apex of the sun, She knows no other save this fiery tongue.
Gilding any perception of space or time in between bodies and being, Her sole question rings of Summer …
What other song could I sing?
Even the sky bows
heavy with coronal atrophy
Who was not trained to look away
But still with an ear to the ground.
Do you still revel in mortality?
Starred in darkness as long as I can see.
Let’s get totally starred out this summer.
That is…
Fueled by the beautiful mess of seasons past -
Let us blaze.
Burst fearless from the apex of truth, the highest heart.
The wheel of the zodiac and transiting planetary energies affect each one of us. For deeper insights and intel, refer to your natal chart to relate to planets and placements that are in each of the signs.
The first day of summer blankets everything in gold with a full moon in cancer on July 21. This illuminates all pathways that lead you home to yourself. There are many opportunities for support so long as you are open to it July 5 offers a dose of truth to catalyze a new beginning. Stepping into a community leadership role is supported in August. Blueprints for future emergency September opportunity to refine the big vision comes with the lunar eclipse and Pisces on September 17th. Welcome home.
This summer is liiiit! First day in and a Full moon in Cap?!? A deeply nourishing truth seeks your full commitment. Confer with your heart. July is buzzing with intense and inspiring conversations. The song of your spirit is synergistic with your experiences. It’s crucial to be clear. New Moon in Leo July 5 offers courage to start fresh with more transparency. Life of the party status starts July 15. Say less. Dance the most. Happy birthday, you beautiful creature.
8/28 Mercury Dx in Leo. Speak from your heart.
The summer is here: vacations booked, barbecues planned. Beyond the blueprint of a well planned holiday, the golden tendrils of the season beckon you out in the wild nature. Remember to get lost in the sensuous presence.
7/25 - Mercury enters Virgo - brilliant conversation and communal plans. Seek advice.
8/4 - Venus enters Virgo - Indulge in nothing and open to everything. There will be more to order, to size up, to finesse.
8/29 Sun in Virgo - Receive nourishment of steeping in the sun, howling with the wind. Every day is brilliant.
Yours is the Summer of LOVE and HAPPINESS.
Summer Song : Higher Love 💕
Ideal activities : Skipping through a meadow filled with flowers and making fairy crowns with friends.
8/4 - Deep conversations and connections with partners, potential and long-term. Future planning is supported.
8/9 - Juno enters Libra - Ultra sensory knowing. Deepest questions are revealed. Ask away.
8/29 - Venus enters Libra - Highest Love 💕 Apex of charm, beauty and pleasure. Indulge.
A very moody summer. Rituals and planning behind the scene by day. You come alive on these Summer Nights! At least one spontaneous road trip awaits. Say yes to adventure.
8/12 Create space for feeling, especially unresolved and resistant emotions. Respect boundaries, yours and others.
9/22 Venus enters Scorpio- Your kind of drama to save for the last day of summer. Passion to take you into Scorpio season… right on time.
New blueprints for your future are emerging. Be strategic about summer plans this season - visit a place you consider moving. Plan a visit with an old friend.
Check out new job possibilities.
9/8 Pallas enters Sag - Expanded horizons and perspectives. Best day for adventure… overseas?!?
9/11. Face unresolved fear. Honor what has prepared you. Gratitude for ancestors.
This is your self care summer. Put your commitment into nourishing and tending to what needs mending in your full human experience. Other responsibilities can pause. Reclaim and realign energies.
6/21 -Full Moon in Cap - Way to set off summer! All eyes on you. Soak up the adoration. Make time to laugh and enjoy beautiful long days with family and friends.
7/21 - Another Full Moon in Cap!!! - See above!! and add some spice . You are worth it.
9/1 - Pluto Rx re-enters Cap - A struggle resurfaces. With focused attention, you will put it to rest.
Your power ballad this summer is TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE HEART. Just when you least expect it, love comes rushing in. Romance reignites, new flings and maybe rings?!? Indulge in early summer.
8/7 - Power surges give life to new creations.
8/19 - Full Moon in Aqua - Emotional intelligence emerges to navigate complex emotional landscapes. Old responses untangle. A burst of clean energy and perspective comes through.
Tend to your health. Spend days in the sun, in nature, near water. Take time to assess your daily routine and realign with how you want to feel.
8/19 Establishing strong boundaries is crucial. Protect your energy and dreams.
9/17 Lunar Eclipse in Pisces - All visions for future illuminated. Ritual and magic are most potent. Gather your coven.
it’s gonna feel like the universe is playing “cruel summer“ on repeat. You’re not one to wallow in self-pity. All attention you give to your healing will resolve old wounds and patterns that you will never have to tend to again. the car you give now will earn you a fresh start.
6/28 Let your emotions be your guide. Trust your gut.
7/1 An old wound resurfaces. Resolving your mental triggers is supported.
7/5 New perspectives rush in. Everything pivots. More energy for projects of love.
7/26 Your health needs care - devote yourself.
Blasting on your radio all summer… “No Scrubs” because you just don’t have time for drama. Your focus and drive is steady building a foundation for future. Progress is notable. It’s enough to keep you confident and inspired. A mentor emerges.
7/5 - Something clicks and you are seeing a difficult situation as a real opportunity for growth.
7/27 - A grudge dissolves. More energy for nourishing your environment.
A summer song came through for you loud and clear: “Truth Hurts” . Be unapologetically honest. It is 1000% necessary and supported. You will be surprised how quickly you’ll reclaim your focus and energy. Like, automatically.
7/1 - Day of novel and brilliant ideas and solutions.
8/26 - A pattern dissolves and you see with crystalline clarity.
xx 💋
What grace in the communion of sun and snow - softening warmly all that is tender, everything pouring into another.
This liminal space we call changing seasons, where seemingly different worlds meet reminds me how poison is the nectar. How death and grieving can be medicine to warm our once numb hearts. And when the gushing forth from the thaw becomes too much for us to contain, we spill . We remember larger bodies that form when we hold each other - and how tears flowing together open channels of even larger possibilities.
Moving from winter cold into the promise of spring, we tend to our vulnerabilities and take in the medicine of true grieving. May we sit with trouble as it opens our capacity to pour into new shapes of hope, to become rivers of nourishment for each other.
The wheel of the zodiac and transiting planetary energies affect each one of us.
For deeper insights and intel, refer to your natal chart to relate to planets andplacements that are in each of the signs.
This is the aliveness my dear! Allow yourself to be carried with the momentum rather than forging upstream. Dreams spring into action immediately, just as you like it. Enjoy - invite more ease into your life. The lunar eclipse on 3/25 is an opportunity to balance your inner drive with outer realizations - Notice where you might be pushing too much. 4/5 Queen Venus enters Aries. This always brings new love, not necessarily another person. Feel what keeps you lit, passionate, alive. 4/18 Total solar eclipse demands an inward excavation. Removal of stagnant patterns is exalted. 4/30 Refining actions to align with purpose.
This month is calling you to renew commitments that you want to move forward with. All relationships undergo a refinement. As you realign with new inspirations, your habits will change, and therefore the dynamics that held you in the past must also change. Honor what is beckoning you. 4/10 Old wounds call for your attention. Tenderness will make space for new perspectives. 4/19 Sun moves into Taurus - a deep feeling requires your careful attention. A long-term project begins to bloom. 4/20 Unexpected adventures. You might start to feel restless, and the unsettling is necessary grounds for future seeding. 5/7 New moon in Taurus - Something becomes known in meditation.
You understand the power of words. Take care to say less, laugh more. 4/1 Mercury retrograde begins. Allow yourself to be curious, playful even, moving away from the analytical mind. Time does not always need to accelerate. Be curious about the twists and turns and you will begin to notice a new relationship with how you feel. 4/25 Mercury direct in Aries. This is a beautiful time to launch ideas and projects that have been swirling around. Put your words into action and commit. Set a date, create an invitation, send an email. The time is ripe. 5/20 Sun in Gemini heralds summer fun. Gather with friends, create a new tradition. Play and ease is supported.
The cold of winter losses and challenges may have required you to numb a bit. The ice is slowly melting, the waters are stirring. As you thaw, notice the tender parts. Lean into all those relationships that you’ve dedicated yourself to. Softness will allow others to hold grief with you and learn more about how to care. 3/31 Vesta in Cancer - prepare your home for visitors. 4/8 Solar Eclipse in Aries - something from your past requires resolution before you move forward. 4/23 Full moon in Scorpio - time opens for deep grieving. This will be a final goodbye.
New friendships take precedence. Remember to make new friends and keep the old - one is silver, the other is gold. Have fun! 4/8 Solar Eclipse in Aries. A goal that you thought was complete requires a fresh perspective. Note all attachments. Deep vision is required to realign. This may seem redundant, but it will save you from future problems. Quick adaptations are available. 4/19 Taurus season begins. I’m seeing lots of dinner parties that you’re hosting. 4/23 Scorpio Full Moon - z revelation. 5/7 New Moon in Taurus - Health aspect for you. Take time for self care. 5/20 Sun into Gemini - A very important conversation.
Spring feels fresh and familiar for you, Virgo. You’re so used to working at the edges. This season, there’s lots of resistance to the spring surges. Get into your body and trust your own self regulation. Spending time in the sun for inspiration is an easy fix. Remember that spring cleaning is meant for a few days, not the entire season. Trust the blueprints of your process and let the energy do the heavy lifting. 4/1 Mercury Rx - Highly contemplative. Watch your thoughts and invite play, poetry and song! 4/21 Juno direct in Virgo - recalibrate practices that will support your goals. Mastery lies in your ability to balance.
The first day of this spring offers new insights for working within dream realms. Let feelings come into full bloom and you will know when and where to begin. Create a grieving ritual to say goodbye to old habits surrounding the way you create or things will remain heavy and obscure. 3/26 a past wound resurfaces. You now have support to face it. Intuition flows via movement - your body will release key insights when you create flow. 4/3 Prophetic dreams
4/17 Powerful actions / new relationships emerge. 5/1 Radical insights beckon you out of your comfort zone. This is nourishing your future.
Winter has been anything but restful, though it has allowed truth to rise to the surface for you in all realms of partnerships and creative endeavors. March opens channels for clear visioning and future entanglements. Who and what you align with now will support your dreams. 4/3 opens new perspectives and trajectories. 4/6 beginnings of a deep relationship 4/16 True intentions are revealed 4/21 Sudden disturbances in the norm offer new possibilities. 5/17 Confronting your habits now will make way for a deeper understanding of where you are heading.
Grounded through the winter, you’re ready to fly. 3/23 reveals new destinations. Let the planning begin. 4/10 An old wound can resurface. Ask what it requires for healing. 4/20 World shattering insights. There’s no continuing "business as usual" now. Start exploring what is to become. Summer begins with a full moon in Sagittarius, your ruling planet. Allow ample time in the beginning of May to wrap up old business because Summer is full of adventure!
You’ve been going through a deep process of reevaluating every aspect of your life. If you haven’t committed to the process, it can feel like lots of bad luck falling on your head. If you have made adaptations, there will be reprieve this spring. Rest and play as more work will be required come Fall. It’s a major and necessary overhaul of all your life’s goals and aspirations. Relationships and careers may have ended. Especially in dark times, prioritizing joy and playfulness helps you remember your essence and can point in the direction of your soul. Even though it doesn’t always feel like it, the universe 100% supports this process. Don’t turn away. 4/19 Major insights.
The close of winter was one of the most tumultuous and intense times of your life, Aqua. As you know, intensity is your calling card. Spring feels especially scrumptious. Say yes to all adventures! Learn with the children in your life. They will have keys to your questions. 4/20 Your vision will finally make sense. Make an effort to focus your energy into those streams that are certain and clear, and allow spacetime to clear the debris of murky channels before you embark.
The grief of the world is overwhelming. Martyrdom Can trap in the depths for dreams will not surface. The world is calling for your most potent dreams. Let this be the courage that you need to continue. Pure visions will birth new worlds where war and greed are obsolete. We feel this emerging. 3/22 Dreams are active. Be their student ! This prepares you for major adventure come summer.
I must be a mermaid – I have no fear of depths, and a great fear of shallow living. - Anais Nin
Shells hold soft memory of lives once intimately held now tossed as offerings upon an unforgiving shore.
Desireless only to remember minor gestures of life and ongoingness. May the charge of these pulsing waters collect what’s left of life when matters are dark.
This electric current casts wordless whispers as covert worlding, rendering new shapes from the great ocean of becoming. What dreams come spooling from pools of moonlit longing, here in this stark, troubled world? All is still and listening.
The wheel of the zodiac and transiting planetary energies affect each one of us. For deeper insights and intel, refer to your natal chart to relate to planets and placements that are in each of the signs.
Forever transforming, purifying and initiating new cycles of artistry, Aries restlessness in Winter months is real. Discover new ways for your body to express itself. Let the trouble slow burn, providing fuel for inward stirrings as inspired future storying. The new worlds begin with your courage to tend sacred fires through death processes and endings . The spark through darkness is your gift, dear Aries. It will thaw tundral grounds thick with promise. Watch your thoughts mid February as they offer prophetic intel. 2/19/23 North Node conjunct Chiron 16° Aries. Old wounds offer new insights.
Revolutionary amplifiers, the Jupiter and Uranus collab in Taurus catalyze seismic unsettling that ripples across the whole earth. Craters crack the foundation of what we humans have established on earth, promising a gush-like surge of unprecedented transformation in our relationship with each other and the land. This energy has certainly been accelerated since Uranus entered Taurus in 2018 and is at vertex as Jupiter stations direct 12/30/23 and Uranus follows suit 1/27/24. Venusian ruled Taurus folx will feel this shift most profoundly and expressively via groundbreaking art and visionary work.
Our fleet-footed messenger, Mercury moves out of time. This syncopation gives Gemini native space and clarity to see the unseen, to track the most minor undulations and feel all possible trajectories. In the stillness of winter, let the fire of your mind show you new ways to move. Dance with the possibilities of new through lines. Remember your power of singing things into being. Powerful day of creativity 1/1/24 Mercury direct in Sag. Revolutionary status 2/5/24 / Mercury enters Aqua. Dream Study 2/23/24 / Mercury enters Pisces. Speak it and it shall be 3/9/24 / Mercury enters Aries.
Calm Waters, Warm Hearts. There is much peace entering this winter. Enjoy all times with family of all kinds, including unexpected and intriguing gatherings. Especially tender is the Full Moon in Cancer on 12/26/23, a farewell to another journey around the Sun. Let the altar of your heart overflow with gratitude. Making amends with a relationship once troubled now feels promising. Making a move from the heart is supported. Cozying up by warm fires with warm hearts is necessary medicine.
Divine Leo, you carry the luminescence of the Sun as a halo around your heart. Where winter chill can keep many shut in and isolated, you remind us of the vibrancy and warmth that togetherness brings. Seek novel ways to spread cheer, share space in community - especially for those you sense are growing distant. Friends and family all gather around your glow, take good care to recognize who has receded into shadow. Your heart will guide you always. 12/21/23 - Serious matters and compromises may be necessary as Sun moves into Capricorn. 1/25/24 - Full Powers of the Heart with Full Moon in Leo. Perfect time for celebration. 2/18/24 - Your dreams are calling you as Sun moves into Pisces.
The closing weeks of Autumn, my dear Virgo sister called on me to help “organize “ her garage. What I discovered upon arrival were meticulously arranged boxes on shelving units where she knew precisely where everything was - completely filled wall to wall with no space to move! The call she could not yet articulate was not to organize - rather it was to have the courage to downsize, to let go of the to-do plans and allow new experiences and memories to flow in. 1/1/24 is a highly supportive day, energy-wise. Acknowledge any dead weight you’re lugging around. Give yourself more by giving it away. 2/24/24 / Revelations via Dreams with Full Virgo Moon.
Venusian ruled Libra knows how to create the coziest home with friends and family all winter long. In a time of flowers in hibernation, you are in full bloom. You understand how the simplest offerings can open the flow of love to all. 12/29/23 / Love pierces even the strongest armor as Venus enters Sag. 1/23/24 / A deeper commitment is calling as Venus enters Cap. 3/11/24 / Recommit to your Dreams with Venus entering Pisces.
Scorpionic Witchery reached apex in Autumn and seeks quietude this Winter. Sit with elders, listen to their stories. They will guide you into new depths, future discoveries. Sit with your own processes of decomposing selfness - allowing space for fresh rendering. Let go of complicated entanglements early December. Prepare yourself for new rituals, relationships and encounters. A solo journey into shadows is needed. You decide how deep you’ll venture. Time is open.
As chill encroaches, passion is expanded with Mars in Sag. What keeps you lit seeks expression, and the seasons slow-down could create agitation if energy remains internal. Innovative channeling and interconnectivity are primed for all forms of artistry and movement. 12/29/23 / optimal creative chemistry when Venus enters Sag - Visions expand. 1/1/24 / Philosophy and poetics shape emerging worldviews with Mercury moving direct through Sag. New life paths ready for your adventure.
The Gravitas of Winter is familiar terrain for Caps. Recommitting to what moves you at a soul level is what matters most. You will know it in your bones. 1/4/24 is a day of reckoning with authenticity when Mars enters Cap. 1/11/24 New Moon in Cap - Crystal clarity with what you will continue to carry into the future, what you will finally lay to rest. Memory may become dormant, frozen even, but is always traveling with you. When you tend to present concerns they tend not to transform into future specters.
As Pluto teeters on the edges between Cap and Aqua, purposefully widening the cracks in knowing, Aquarian surges of brilliance find novel landscapes for future’s unfurling. As with lightning, Uranian thoughtwaves strike s are unpredictable and extreme. Moving between worlds becomes attainable and vital as Great Collapse is underway. You are a rod for earthing and realizing new possibilities for future. Make timespace for ideas and inspirations to land, For all spontaneity, these moments are most fortuitous :
1/20/24 / Sun into AQUA. Full Illumination
1/23/24 / Pluto into AQUA Full Power
2/5/24 / Mercury into AQUA New language emerging, listen with your whole being.
2/9/24 / New Moon in AQUA World changing
2/23/24 / Mars in AQUA inspired action
How can bones become from the medium of sea water? It is impossible imagining that renders new shapes, new life, new worlds. Saturn in Pisces reminds us of the alchemy of will and vision, sustaining mysteries and miraculous mattering.
Dear Pisces, your dreams are tumbling into realities as rich as the ocean blue. Mind any tendency to bind. We need the biggest dreams and the deepest prayers for future flourishing.
2/18/24 / Sun enters Pisces. Clear visions.
2/23/24 / Mercury enters Pisces. Listening. Articulations are revealed.
3/10/24 / Full Moon in Pisces. All rituals and realities seek expression. Move via intuition.
If everything around you seems dark, look again, you may be the light.
- Rumi
Life is a balance of holding on and letting go – Rumi
Equinox, equal night, poised in an elusive fleeting moment of balance, like the pause between an inhale and an exhale, osmotic spaces where prayers pour intonew shapes and spill into edgeless pools of light. This is the green glimmer atsunset, a cascade of moon-kissed hair, berry stained lips, pockets full of seeds.
We collect mugwort, rosemary, yarrow, rosehips and lay them at the roots of anapple tree swelling with fruit. We tear pieces of pomegranates as an offering toour grandmothers, beads of nectar seeping between our knuckles. We sit incircles filled with memories and prayers and we laugh until the candlewax poursout the flame.
Nearing the Great Dissolve, we will know the equipoise of birth and death in thecadence of our breath.
The wheel of the zodiac and transiting planetary energies affect each one of us.
For deeper insights and intel, refer to your natal chart to relate to planets andplacements that are in each of the signs.
The axis upon which eclipses occur shifted to Aries/Libra this year. The firsteclipse of the season occurs on October 14 at 21 degrees, New Moon SolarEclipse in Libra. Full Ring of Fire ignites this beauty lunation, blazing newpathways and possibilities in true Aries fashion. Aries goes first, and this higheroctave of our Selfhood isn’t asking us to prove who we are to the world. Itreminds us to always be that honestly for the world. A new way of creating andoffering is emerging and will sustain your inner fire. Trust your power. Let thedarkness conjure the light. You know what you feel - Sit in your own energy andallow. The path will burn bright.
Taurus is a house of power with both Jupiter and Uranus in an extended retro-season. The affinity for stability is obliterated in the oscillating surges ofexpansion and eruption. Our values, ideals of beauty, and sense of home and family are literally cracked open, pouring out. The swirling chaos gives no quarterto the steadfast creatures of comfort, and we find ourselves uncomfortably adrifttogether in pools of possibility. Can we be still in our broken time? Can werefuse the call to re-member ourselves? Will we allow new shapes to emerge?
Mercurial maneuvers herald all that is coming ‘round. September through Virgo isthe penultimate time to data sort, edit, empty storage, sync with the cloud.Metaphysically lighten the load for maximal bandwidth. Meditate. October isprimed for clearing the air – make timespace for deep and uncomfortableconversations. November would be perfect for Vipassana retreat. Keep a journal, witness your dreams, especially with the Full Moon in Gemini on the 27 th . All thatwas hidden is illumined. December is Mercury’s retrograde residency inCapricorn, taking time to untangle from capitalizing programming that bypassesthe heaviness of loss, aging, griff. Our beautiful minds serve these bodies thatfeel. Give yourself a chance to.
Dear Mother of the Wheel of Time, you help us all find balance in turbulent waters. Please always remember you are nobody’s lifeboat. Sailing through summer in pools of light, find solace in stillness at the edge of sunset, the last dance, the goodnight kiss. Watch the moon and know your time for quiet contemplation, fluid boundaries teach the flow of reciprocity. Stay hydrated in self-care - it always returns to collective. Moon points – 9/29 Full in Aries - a gift to yourself, 10/14 New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra – flowers throughout your home, 10/28 Full Moon in Taurus – Time for Moon-bathing, 11/13 New Moon in Scorpio, Get in water, deepest prayers answered, 11/28 Full Moon in Gemini – Illuminating Conversations, 12/12 New Moon in Sag – Sky’s the Limit!
Even an Endless Summer of Love resolves – and we remain Sun Kissed, Sun Drenched Sun Lovers. Catch the burning flame and let it guide you into the dark. Venus as morning star unveils a new relationship with ourselves and the world. Say goodbye to outdated processes as Venus moves into Virgo on 10/9. What relationships will you kiss goodbye? Perfect time to create an Ode to a Love Lost - Write a Love Letter for any relationship you are ready to liberate. Sing a song to the energies that you are open to receiving. Celebrate the beauty of letting go within a loving embrace. Light shines down on us all.
Equinox is the quintessential energetics of Virgo – as we say goodbye to the summer sun, we shift into the organization of all those experiences and inspirations we received in the full summer spectrum. How will we collect, store, strategize our bounty? Its Back to School Time - clean out your backpack and sharpen your pencils. On 10/9 Venus enters Virgo – what beautiful plans will you put into spin! 11/3 Venus in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces – Dreams shape our livable landscapes – what is in your psyche? What is your relationship with your dreams? Begin a journal of noticing. How can we articulate what is in our hearts into our immediate environments? Watch Marie Kondo on repeat for inspiration.
For the next year and a half, Libra supports the clearing of Karmic residue. Will you receive the lessons unconditionally and realize that when you grow, you open pathways of evolution for all? Past selves emerge under pressure, and open the opportunity to kindly say goodbye. This requires humility and family. Libra season opens us to Autumn romance, lingering conversations, inspiring collaborations. Power choice-points include: 9/29 Full Moon in Aries (Sun in Libra) – self empowerment via resolution of past lives, 10/14 Solar Eclipse New Moon in Libra – Romance & Recalibration of all Relations, 10/20 Mercury Cazimi in Libra – Receptivity & New Insights / Inspiring and Honest Conversations, 11/8 Venus Homecoming (Into Libra) – Flowers through your space, Higher Love.
Fall is the Time of Scorpio - The Dark Abyss, The Murky Cauldron. There is a thick stillness in September when Dear Libra begins the ceremony, burning sacred smoke and clearing the air. And then we go deep into the Season of the Witch. September is for listening, gathering, preparing our magic. We set the altar for the arrival of Mars on 10/12 – initiating a great dissolve. Allow your old selves to melt away. 10/22 Mercury pays a visit – taboos and off limit conversations emerge. 10/23 The Sun comes to illuminate the Shadows, secrets ooze liquid light full of once captive power. 11/13 Scorpio New Moon – Initiating Magic / Highly Creative / Money Spells.
Arrows poised, bows drawn. This is the moment of recalibrating our trajectories. Trust the wisdom of your body. Feel into Earth Body. Enjoy the sunset, soak up the play of color that paints the arc of night. With ruling planet Jupiter retrograde in Taurus, full-embodied love of our wild side – Time for remembering we are what Nature is doing. 10/28 Scorpio Moon opposes Jupiter – Myseries revealed, problems solved, unexpected fortunes available. Trust what your body knows. 11/2 Sun in Scorpio opposes Jupiter – Burst of luck via revelation, what was once a vice becomes virtuous / what was once cast aside is valuable. 11/22 Sag Szn. Arrows Launched.
For Completion of Cycles, we must feel the loss, bear its weight and create space for full release - honorable and final. Death Medicine of Fall: Make timespace to honor what has come to pass with a grateful heart. Place flowers of remembrance at your altars. Write a eulogy to what was, personally and globally. 10/10 Pluto station direct in Capricorn – Pause in tribute to ways of old. Prepare for the monumental crumbling of decayed and antiquated ways of being in the world. Let your heart become free of entanglements. Say goodbye. Honor the loss and the wounds that remain. We have a long winter of mending.
As Capricorn monumenal mountains crumble, Aquarian surges crack the whole thing wide open, as bolts of future intuiting seek ground for full expression. Though chaos reigns, It’s not all shock and awe: Innovative future worlding, AI, Free Energy, New economies – Spacetime uncoils evolved neurologies and enlightened entanglements. Movement is essential. Rituals that move, voice and gather are vital. We will get somewhere otherworldly if we can hold hands in the darkness.
In an edgeless ocean, Saturn and Neptune cast a fluid net for emergent dreamscapes. Dissolving old ways of worlding requires the dedication and depth these celestials offer. If you are willing to plunge, dreams will show us new livable shapes. Let go of sense making and simply trust your senses. 10/2 Neptune opposes Mercury in Virgo – share the dream. 10/10 Saturn opposes Venus in Virgo – fresh insights opens up communal visions. 11/3 Venus opposes Neptune – dissolving, releasing, refining, clarify. A drifting away from. 11/4 Saturn station direct – A lifeboat. Sail away into the Mystic.
Why are you so busy with this or that, good or bad. Pay attention to howthings blend – Rumi
Summer Solstice is the apex of summer when the Earth is crowned in a ring of fire, a true coronation. This starpower is full illumination of all that has mattered here on Earth, all efforts, intentions and prayers that have become. Solstice in Latin is sol sistere - the sun stood still - no doubt in awe of the Earth’s beauty.
We are now invited to witness the power and prowess of the feminine forces in full flower. Be still and behold the wonder of your becoming.
For resonance and support during these cosmic shifts, make note of where these aspects land with respect to the planets and constellations that are in your natal chart.
Sun moves through Cancer, Leo, and Virgo this season. Feeling is superposition. We are fully realized when we are courageous enough to come into relationship. There is support for living your dream.
Sun enters Cancer - The pinnacle of the sun illuminates the sacred heart.
Moon enters Leo - Courage to lead from the heart. This is a truth serum. How do you know what’s true? Be in your heart and feel it.
Sun in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces. An opportunity to saturate ourselves in the dream. Open floodgates from our truest intentions and desires. The biggest dreams are supported.
Sun conjunct Mercury in Cancer. Mercury Cazimi - where Mercury flies into the heart of the sun. Sensing and noticing conversations that demand our attention. All matters of the heart are given voice. What air needs clearing?
Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus. The Great Lover is on the prowl. In these long summer days, we may feel the heat of our desires, longing for intimacy and fun! Let go of expectations and be ready. When it strikes, it will strike hot!
Full Moon in Capricorn.
Emotional landscapes offer little respite. The luminous moon dilates tributaries to ease the pressure. This moon empowers our responsibility of love and loving.
Mercury in Cancer opposite Pluto in Capricorn.
The deepest conversations will unearth the deepest wound spaces. What needs mothering? What needs dissolving?
Sun in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces. Every summer is the Summer of Love. The heart rules these times, and makes potent the possibility of living dreams. Put fears and doubts in the center of your heart and feel the dissolution.
Sun opposite Pluto.
Cancer/Capricorn axis is Mother and Father, beyond polarity. We hold life and death as one. A ritual today - notice what you’ve been avoiding, allow yourself to surrender in how it makes you feel. Be still, feel it wash through you. Release yourself.
Venus station retrograde in Leo.
All relationships are up for review. Watch how easy it is to fall in love / with another, with a project, with an idea. Venus Rx until 9/3. Spend time refining where your energy flows.
Full Moon in Aquarius
A fresh new possibility, a facet, an opportunity cracks open your world. Do you have what it takes ? Will you allow yourself the opportunity to free fall?
Sun conjunct Venus in Leo.
The Goddess is bathed in light.
Beauty, desire and care are essential. Indulge in the sensual, the joyous, the familial. Hold fast to what is closest to the heart.
Sun in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces.
this is the quintessential, supportive energy for dreaming into action. Trust all visions this day. Your presence is vital.
New Moon in Virgo.
if there was a day this summer for a completely tuningout, turning in, calling off, staying home - today is the day. This like a wishing well. If you take the time to clarify your intentions, direct your energy and drop it into the depths of the well, all will come true.
Sun in Virgo trine Pluto in Cap.
Flowing with ease into the Earth energy, recalibration and integration with all the Summer filled Love and Inspiration. Experience an abundant harvest of what has captivated your senses and ask yourself - How does this feel? Can you be honest?
Welcome to the Afterlife. The new time beyond old world ways and means. Here, we follow nature and travel from the inside out, make grooves like records spin, spiraling outward in an offering unto life - from life. There’s no certain tempo in an unfolding, and even the time of your life keeps a new rhythm . Can you feel it alive in you know? What will you make in all this free time.
For resonance and support during these cosmic shifts, where these aspects land with respect to the planets and constellations that are in your natal chart.
Sun moves through Aries, Taurus, and Gemini this season. All inspirations blossom from our nourished bodies and intimate connections. We are fully realized when we are courageous enough to come into relationship.
Sun enters Aries - Great Equinox is here. Follow what’s lit you all the way up. The doors will make themselves known.
New Moon in Aries. The most powerful mantra of initiation - I am. I am. Who that is does not need to earn a place - you are already here. Direct full powers to let the truth of who you are be known!
Pluto Enters Aquarius
Get real cozy with this transit as we will essentially be in this frequency for the next 20 years! Liberation via death. What needs to be annihilated so we can experience full powers of our humanity? Because we all know this ain’t it.
Venus conjunct Uranus in Taurus. Mother comes home and all the furniture is rearranged, what does she do? She could replace everything just as it was before she left… nah. Mama’s tired and needs rest. She can quickly adapt to the shift and find comfort with the disturbance, for she knows this is the true dynamics of nature- ever shapeshifting, ever evolving, always beautiful.
Full Moon in Libra
Such a gorgeous lunation. Peace, love and understanding. Allow the ease of understanding to flow this day. Put all things contentious on the altar and let the magic happen.
Venus enters Gemini.
An Ode to Love. All expressions of love are supported on this day, so shout it out from the heart. Who do you love?
New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries. The most exhausted time to start is NOW. Let the momentum of your will etch the blueprint into your body without breaking stride. Feel it and go.
Sun enters Taurus.
What really matters at the end of each day? What energies do you desire to surround you as you awaken to the day? Perfect time to clean house.
Full Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio.
The Deepest Dive, surrender to the plunge. You may need to sit this one out and remind yourself to breathe. This moon is for allowing full senses, not for making sense.
Jupiter enters Taurus
If home is where the heart is, Jupiter will travel to the ends of the earth and find it… in every smile, every wave, every spark of eyes meeting. We are home here together in simple moments that make up our days. Time to enjoy them, to allow your heart to come home to you.
Mars enters Leo
This fiery combo is unstoppable. Courage and stamina, power from the heart. Time to make your dreams come true. A wink and a leap and off you go.
Sun moves into Gemini
Meaningful conversations initiated. Challenging conflicts addressed. You may have to revisit, review and repeat a few times but the resolution is supported.
Full Moon in Sagittarius.
All adventure is supported. Take a spontaneous day trip, take the day off, take time out and tune in to your inner wanderlust.
06/17/23 Saturn Retrograde in Pisces.
New Moon in Gemini.
Explore the edges of dreamscapes and begin to articulate. Dream into action. What futures do we desire to live in. Carve out space and time and make way for illuminating and realizing your inner worlds.
To the bone, I shed all the layers of who I believed myself to be so that I may feel the essence of who I am now. Dead of Winter.
Now still coldness disturbing all spaces of comfort once captivated within the intoxication of starlight-We lean into arms of lovers, into the belly of the earth, bone-deep with our memory of light, stitched into a tapestry of stars and family. Through cold and darkness, a way home.
For resonance and support during these cosmic shifts, where these aspects land with respect to the planets and constellations that are in your natal chart.
Sun moves through Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces as Golden Embodiment of our human potential as we usher in new ways of being together with Earth and one another.
Sun enters Capricorn- Winter Solstice is here. This is potent ground for stabilizing our biggest dreams. Space for collective ritual to prepare communities and families for realizing otherways of being.
Chiron direct in Aries. The wounds of Identity and sense of self have been transmuted from crisis to creativity. Who we thought we were needed to crack wide open so we could know our true essence.
Mercury retrograde in Capricorn. This is a moment for deep review of your own personal frequency. What collective values are you amplifying? Understand the power in our projections. Know what you’re attuned with and feel your personal power to shift when necessary.
Full Moon in Cancer - Full Powers. The moon is ripe and potent. How do you know? You can feel it. This is a beautiful time for all creations and artistry. Allow feelings to saturate the field and allow what wants to emerge as guidance.
Mars direct through Gemini. Four months Mars retrograde in Gemini has been a purification ritual of communication. The shift to direct is clear and potent word fire. Words become worlds, and can burn them down. Know when to hold your tongue and when to blaze.
Sun enters Aquarius. The renaissance is here. Feel the collective innovation surging. Notice what is on your horizon.
New Moon in Aquarius.
Uranus direct through Taurus
It is through this portal that we will birth the New World. 2022 was a Great Dying of outdated infrastructure. Now we feel the power surges of a brilliant new network. Everything is renewed.
Full Moon in Leo. Collective genius of The Aquarian Sun meets personal radiance of the Leo Moon. We all shine on. What is lit for you?
Sun enters Pisces - a completion of this octave of the Dream. We enter the abyss of endings and the potency of new beginnings all at once. And this is where Love lives. Tend to your dreamspace.
Venus enters Aries. Everything starts with self love and care. We only know what we feel, and we feel everything through our bodies. Aries wants to rush and Venus reminds us how to cool the fire and simmer into the moment.
Full Moon in Virgo as Saturn moves into Pisces. This is a luminous tapestry of Dreamtime that makes way for full realization. The world is supporting your highest dreams so they have staying power.
Jupiter conjunct Chiron in Aries. A trauma left unhealed, a dream left unfulfilled, perhaps, is calling out for your attention now. Your vulnerability Is the origin of your power.
Sun moves into Aries. All is full of Love.
We scatter like leaves in a glorious gust of inspiration, where crumbling is of no consequence - for all that glitters, it seems, is broken and dancing.
I make ceremony in the incoherence of yesterday’s intentions offered into the wind. I feel them swirling here, spinning new dust gathered at the edgeplaces. This is the nowhere to go, the sanctuary of unbecoming.
And it is welcoming, as an adventure in the freedom of nothing left to lose. I’m not reaching out anymore, not trying to pull it all in. These hands, we’ve decided, are for holding.
For resonance and support during these cosmic shifts, where these aspects land with respect to the planets and constellations that are in your natal chart.
Sun moves through Libra, Scorpio , Sagittarius to illuminate that Beauty is throughout all timespace, at the highest of heights and the deepest, most dark spaces. All is filled with Beauty.
09/22/22 - Sun enters Libra - Fall Equinox begins. It’s a beautiful energy to be swipt away in, for even if you lose your footing the natural state is balance and harmony. The equipoise of dark and light allow us timespace for recalibration and refinement with ease and grace. Beauty floods the field.
09/23/22 - Mercury retrograde enters Virgo. Rx is timespace for reviewing, revisiting, revising and renewing. Mercury is at home in Virgo, clearing the air, purifying the data stream. Practice meditation.
09/25/22 - New Moon in Libra.
Potent timespace for refinement and recalibration. Begin with these queries: What seeks liberation?
What wants to be liberated through me?
What needs to be released so I may feel and allow emergent realities to move through?
09/29/22 - Venus enters Libra. At Last my love has come along! And she is a charmer. Deepest resonance from heart to heart - and plenty of flirting .
10/08/22 - Pluto direct in Capricorn. This one cuts deep, the glacial force that cracks the earth open, blinding force, truth. This intensity promises to carry us rather than crush us, so long as we don’t run for a place to hide.
10/09/22 - Full Moon in Aries. Aries goes first. Head first. In full lumination of Sun in Libra it’s the first kiss, when you tell your crush you like them, asking someone out. It’s the power of these moments whenever and wherever they are.
10/22/22 - Saturn direct in Aquarius. The blueprints drawn up, the scaffolding holds. It’s time for building on those big dreams and visions via discipline and commitment. True grit, deep responsibility. With effort, you realize the world supports all your dreams.
10/23/22 - Sun in Libra conjunct Venus in Libra. This feels exquisitely beautiful. Let the light pour in, fill your space with flowers and laughter.
10/25/22 - Sun enters Scorpio. Venus enters Scorpio. This cazimi dives from the heart into the darkness. Intimacy, revelations and magic all swirling. Close your eyes and submerge.
10/25/22 - Solar Eclipse New Moon in Scorpio. We must move through the darkest night to realize we are light.
11/08/22 - Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. The moon’s response to Sun’s Scorpionic Secrecy? Love and beauty. Immersing in all the pleasures the earth has to offer.
11/15/22 - Venus enters Sagittarius. The Goddess of Love initiates this prelude to Sag Season with adventures in love. A higher love that engulfs the sky. Look for great humanitarian offerings, grand gestures, even delusions of the heart - All emergent energies .
11/22/22 - Sun in Sagittarius. Set your sights and go. All adventures, travel, expansions in all realms of reality and dream. The boundaries are beyond.
11/23/22 - New Moon in Sagittarius. Your own personal wishing well. The only limit to what is possible now is your imagination.
12/03/22 - Neptune direct in Pisces. We’ve had plenty of time to review and refine the dream scape now it’s time to ride the wave. All big dreams are supported.
12/07/22 Full Moon in Gemini.
All the intel gathered in the field has fully integrated into the grand vision. Remember the thrill of the mission with the glory of the sunset.
12/20/22 - Jupiter enters Aries. One single day before Winter Solstice marks the darkest day, Great Jupiter of Abundance and Joy begins anew in Aries. It is darkest before the dawn. Watch your spark!